domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

Review Unit One Key

Past simple, past continuous and used to
1.- Choose the correct option
1.       Were you
2.       Buy
3.       Use
4.       Wasn’t
5.       You use
2.- The tenses in bold are incorrect. Write them correctly.
1.       Wasn’t sleeping
2.       Knew
3.       Got up
4.       Ran
5.       Was walking
3.- Complete
1.       Didn’t use to be
2.       Did you do
3.       Has broken
4.       Were they travelling
5.       Were dancing
6.       Did you use to watch
Present perfect simple and  present perfect continuous.
4.  Choose the correct options.
We use the present perfect continuous to talk about an action which is unfinished. We use the present perfect simple to focus on the result of an action which is finished.
We use for to talk about how long something has lasted and since to talk about when something started.
5.- Complete the dialogues.
1.       A) Haven’t had                                 B)  Has been studying
2.       A) Has been planning                        B) hasn’t finished
3.       A) Have known                                  B) has been teaching
4.       A) has been repairing                        B) hasn’t fixed
5.       A) have the boys gone                      B) have been sleeping
6.- Choose the correct option.
1.       B)        2. A)                3. B)                 4. B)                 5. A)
Present Perfect simple and present perfect continuous
1. - Write Simple or Complete.
1. S            2. C                 3. S                  4. C                 5. C
2.- Already, still and yet.
1. already  2. still               3. yet               4. Still               5. Already
3. Write questions
1.       How long have you been learning English?
2.       How long have you hated carrots?
3.       How long has there been a farm here?
4.       How long has she been talking on the phone?
5.       How long has he been doing judo?
4. Write  present  perfect sentences with for or since.
1.       The charity has been helping elderly people since lunch time.
2.       We have had our car for three years.
3.       I haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime.
4.       She’s been travelling around Europe since May.
5.       We have been living here for a few years.
5      Complete the sentences.
1.       I’ve been _______________
2.       I’ve been watching _________________
3.       I have had_________________
4.       I have read__________________

5.       I have been living­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________

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