jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Writing Guide Unit 1 ESO 4

Writing an informal e-mail

Write an email to a friend about a new activity that you have taken up. Describe the activity. What positive changes has it brought to your life?
Or write an email to a friend about a person that you have met. Describe the person. What positive changes has he / she brought to your life?
1. - Choose one of the following topics:
Community based projects
·           Helping elderly people
·           Cleaning up local environment
·           Suggesting alternative activities /facilities that may interest young  
At school
·           Organizing studying / working groups
·           Cleaning the classroom and the corridors
·           Helping in the library
In your life
·           Meeting a special person
·           Taking up a sport/ free time activity.
·           _________________________________
2. - Plan
      Write a first draft of your email following the steps.

Paragraph 1
·         Say hello to your friend
·         Tell your friend about the new activity / your new friend

Paragraph 2
·           What have you been doing?
·           What has happened as a result?

Paragraph 3
·           What did you use to think about your new activity?
·           How has your opinion changed?
·           What have you gained from your experience?

Paragraph 4
·           Explain why you have to stop writing now.
·           Say goodbye to your friend.

3. - Check your email.
            Language, spelling, grammar, structure, verbal tenses, informal…

4. - Write the final version of your email.

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