miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

The art of advertising ( translation)

  1. Nowadays a lot of TV channels, magazines or websites couldn’t exist without advertising.
  2. Advertisements try to convince us to buy items even though we don’t need them.
  3. The first advertisements didn’t include pictures; they had long texts and they appeared published on the back page of the newspapers.
  4. By the 1920s radio channels started to broadcast drama shows; the characters chatted /spoke /talked about the wonderful cleaning products they had bought. This is why those drama shows are known as “soap operas”
  5. The first TV commercial appeared on TV / were broadcast in USA in 1941. The advertisements / commercials were dramatic, romantic or funny to / in order to appeal the audience’s emotions.
  6.  Today, adverts appear automatically on our computer and phone screens. You can decide to see the ad or not. / Whether to see it or not.
  7. A commercial / an ad on the Internet can be seen by millions of people all over the world faster and cheaper than a commercial / ad on television. 

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