viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Ricardo Calero's BIOGRAPHY

Ricardo Carballo Calero
Ricardo Carballo Calero was a Galician philosopher and writer, degree in Law and Philosophy and Letters from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Doctor from the University of Madrid. He was a member of the Rag and he was the first teacher of Galician Linguistics and Literature at the University of Santiago.
He got born the 30th of October in Spain(Ferrol) and he died the 25th of March in Spain (Santiago de Compostela).
In the 1984 he was awarded with the Medalla Catelao.
He got married with María Ignacia Ramos Díez, and he had two daughters, Margarita Carballo Ramos and María Victoria Carballo-Calero Ramos.
The 17th of May he is going to be honored in “El Día de las Letras Gallegas”, because he was one of the most relevant figures in Galicia culture in the second half of the 20th century.
I think he deserves the award for everything what he has done in his life. He studied a lot and worked hard, and I think he is very important in the Galician culture.

Ricardo Carvallo Calero.
Was a Galician philologist and writer and was the first teacher of galician lenguage and literature.
He was born in 1910 and he dead in 1990
He was educated in Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
He did military service, was philologist and writer.
Awards: Medalla Castelao, premio Goya
Importance of the "LETRAS GALEGAS DAY": Was the first teacher of galician lenguage


He was a Spanish philologist and writer, teacher of several courses, a degree in Law and in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Doctor from the University of Madrid. Full member of the Real Academia Galega.

He was born in Ferrol, A Coruña; October 30, 1910-Santiago de Compostela, and he died in A Coruña; March 25, 1990.

After completing the Baccalaureate in Ferrol, he moved to Santiago de Compostela in 1926 to study Law and Philosophy and Letters and complete military service.
He studied for free the career of Philosophy and Letters, graduating in 1936 from the University of Santiago de Compostela, participating at the same time actively in the Galician movement both locally and nationally, being appointed party president in Ferrol..

He was a philologist and writer.
He wrote books such as Pretérito Imperfeito, 1980.
Future conditional, 1982.
Cantigas de amigo e outros poemas, 1986.
Reticências, 1990
Catro pezas (contains: A sombra de Orfeo, Farsa das zocas, A arbre, Auto do prisioneiro), 1971.
Complete Theater, 1982.

His best prizes were the Castelao Medal and the Goya Prize 2020

He will be honored on the Galician’s Letters Day 2020.

He was chosen for this year because it is the 20th anniversary of his death.



He was born on 30 October 1910 in Ferrol, Galicia (Spain).And died on 25 March 1990 in Santiago de Compostela. He study in santiago de compostela right and philosophy and completed military service Then he became interested in the Galician and participated in creating the Galician party was also auxiliary administradivo in the city council of the city of Santiago.He wrote poetry, narrative, essay and theatre , he was given a foreplay golla called a castelao medal.

Is the day we celebrate our language the language of galicia and someone is recognized for what he did is the day we celebrate our language the language of galicia and someone is recognized so.I think they chose it for this day because I always support the language and did many things for the Galician and wanted to recognize it.



Ricardo Carvallo Calero was born on October, 30 of 1910 and he died in 1990.

He was a Spanish philologist, academic and writer. He was the

 first Professor of Galician Language and Literature at the 

University of Santiago de Compostela.

He married María Ignacia Ramos.
After completing the Baccalaureate in Ferrol, he moved to 
Santiago de Compostela in 1926 to study Law and 
Philosophy and Letters and complete military service. 
There he came into contact with Galicianism and with 
the cultural movements of the time, especially with the Seminario de Estudos Galegos.
In 1987 he received the Galician Narrative Critics Prize 
for his work Scórpio. Currently, what had been Ricardo Carballo 
Calero's personal library is part of the bibliographic collections 
of the Galician Parliament since 1997, the year in which it was
acquired together with his personal archive.
He will be honored in the commemoration of the Galician 
Letters of 2020
I think he was chosen because he is a importan person 
of Galicia

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