jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

Cause and Effect

Clauses of cause
When we want to express what happens to make someone or something act.

  • Because, since, as, that is why, + subject + verb
    • As small clubs don’t have as much money, they can’t get good players.
      Since sport stars get paid so well now, the clubs need more and more money to afford to pay them.
      I stayed at home because it was raining
  • Because of + noun; thanks to + noun; due to + noun
  • I stayed at home because of the rain.
    Because of the rain, I stayed at home
    The flight was delayed due to the bad weather 
    Clauses of result
    When we want to express the effect to someone doing something

  • So + subject+ verb
    It was raining, so I stayed at home.
    Clubs don’t invest much money in developing sport locally, so the average sportsperson doesn’t have the facilities they need to play in their local community.
  • As a result, consequently, therefore
    It was raining; therefore, I stayed at home.
    It was raining. Consequently, I stayed at home.
  • As a consequence + subject+ verb
    It was raining, as a consequence I stayed at home.

    So & Such - Cause & Result


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