jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

Cause and Effect - exercises

Exercise 1: 

Write the cause and effect for each sentence
  1. Tom forgot his Math book so he was unable to complete his homework. 
  2. Keegan  was hungry because he skipped lunch.
  3. Erin's car had a flat tire, so he called a tow truck.
  4. Gina couldn't find the cookies because her brother hid them in the cupboard.
  5. Kelly studied her spelling words and she got an A on the test.
Exercise 2 

.- Replace the expressions in bold with expressions in capitals and make all the necessary changes in sentence structure.

1. Their application was rejected owing to a number of shortcomings. AS A RESULT OF ............... 
2. He didn’t hear the most interesting part of the lecture as he was late. THEREFORE
3. Since the number of students interested in that course is small, it will not be opened. BECAUSE..................... 
4. Some of the study regulations were difficult to understand. Accordingly, explanatory notes were added. AS A CONSEQUENCE

5. He was not eligible for that grant due to his age; consequently, his application was rejected. AS

6. The machine failed because it was poorly maintained. DUE TO

7. The trip had to be cancelled because of heavy rain. BECAUSE  

Exercise 3

Join the sentences using 5 different ways of expressing cause/reason and result/effect. 
1. We need more food. The population is steadily growing.
  • We need more food because the population is steadily growing.
  • The population is steadily growing , therefore,  we need more food.
1. Her application for the job was rejected. She did not have the required language and computer skills.
2. The company went bankrupt. Many jobs were lost.
3. The train was delayed. There were wet leaves on the line. 

Exercise 4: 

Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d which best fits the space.
1. I ... that I fell asleep on the bus.
a. was such tired b. was tired c. was so tired d. so tired
2. It was ... it broke down every few weeks.
a. such an old that b. such an old car so c. so an old car that
d. such an old car that
3. We were ... that we ate the food before it was properly cooked.
a. such hungry b. so hungry c. such hunger d. so a hungry
4. He was ... that he hardly had any friends at all.
a. so shy b. such a shy c. such shy d. shy so
5. They were ... that they were invited to parties every weekend.
a. so a popular couple b. so popular couple c. such popular d. such a popular couple
6. The music was ... that I could hardly hear myself think.
a. so loudly b. such loudly c. such loud d. so loud 

Exercise 3

Word Order
Choose the 5 words which complete each sentence:

1. The ... they won the match.( So - that – play - team - well-such - played)
2. It was ...I went to see it again. (Good - a -that - so -such -film -boring)
3. ... I could hardly control myself.(Angry – so – such - that – felt - angrily)
4. She ... that she got a promotion.(A - so-worker – hard-work - -was - such)
5. ... he got a pay rise. (Such – so – that – work- he - hard - worked)
6. ... we had to go home early.(We - tired -tiring - were - such - so – that)

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