lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018


Agreement & Disagreement
You should never give pets as presents. Do you agree with this statement?

I am not sure because people don’t know how to look after a dog. Often dogs are mistreated, abandoned or left aside. The moment you get a pet, you have to worry about it; you have to feed it, you have to bathe it, caress it, walk it.. It isn’t a stuffed animal.
The education of a puppy requires a lot of time and dedication. A dog is for life and not just for Christmas. An animal isn’t a toy that is thrown away when you get tired or old; it is a living being that needs a lot of care and a responsible owner. A dog is a companion that will accompany you throughout your life.
I totally agree. Pets as presents are one of the main reasons of pet abandonment.  

Maybe, but if the person who receives it, looks after it/ takes care of it and doesn’t abandon it, why not?

I agree with giving pets as presents if the person who receives the gift is responsible, affectionate and good with the pet. But I disagree with this statement if the person is a bad influence because a pet is a living being and can’t be returned.

I disagree because an animal is a living being and a responsibility.

I totally disagree. That they give you an animal as a present can make you very happy, an animal is like a friend and it’s a great present idea.

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