lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Writing a summary

A summary
A summary is a condensed or short version of a longer reading. Its purpose is to give the basic ideas of the original reading.
Steps in making a summary:
  1. 1.      Read the text
  2. 2.      Select essential information
  3. 3.      Be objective
  4. 4.      Write in your own words
  5. 5.      Revise your writings

Use some of the following words:
First, next, so, then, to begin, however, meanwhile, finally


These two texts talk about African traditions, the first one is about a group called Dance Warriors of Africa that dances traditional African routines. These people also help other people but giving training in dancing and drumming. 

Meanwhile, in the second text, they talk about a traditional dance called Adimu where participants, Maasai men, have to jump as high as they can to prove that they have developed the necessary skills to be good warriors, in celebration where other people of the group watch the spectacular dance.

By Carmen 

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