jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023

Magazine Report


3) Magazine Report. Write a magazine article about Elimination of Violence Against Teenagers. Include two imaginary interviews & photos. 

Today, violence against women and teenagers has grown more and more. Despite having a lot new laws, violence is still alive and is still a problem. Many women and girls are suffering from violence and harassment. Although women’s rights are protected by laws, we need to educate people. If we don’t change the way we think, we won’t get the society we need. In addition, we should show the violence suffered by thousands of women and teenagers because their suffering is the suffering of the whole society.


We will show the stories of Madison and Alice

  •  INTERVIEWER: Hi, Madison! How are you?
  •  MADISON: Fine, thanks you.
  •  INTERVIEWER: Tell us your story.
  •  MADISON: Last year, I had a classmate who always laughed at me. He was always insulting me and, in spite of telling him to stop, he continued. One day, he hurt me. Then, everybody reacted. However, they should have reacted earlier.
  •  INTERVIEWER: Thank you, now we`re going to talk to Alice.  Hi, tell us your story.
  •  ALICE: When I was fifteen years old, I had a boyfriend called Jack. At first, he was kind and nice to me, but then he started to control me. He always wanted to know where I was or what I was doing.
  •  INTERVIEWER: Thank you, that´s all


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