viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020
More about Inversion in English
Complete your notes:
Inversion phrase + verb + subject + complements
Not only was it dark ........
Inversion phrase +auxiliary verb + subject + verb + complements
Not only did he win the lottery ...
So + adjective + that
So frightened was I that I ran away.
martes, 27 de octubre de 2020
First Bach - Talking about your hometown.
Watch this video and take notes to make your own description. Send your summary in due time.
martes, 20 de octubre de 2020
Expressing purpose
The grammar is quite simple:
- FOR has to be followed by a verb ending with -ing
- SO THAT is followed by a subject and a verb
- (NOT TO) is followed by an infinitive
- SO AS (NOT) TO is followed by an infinitive
Expressing opinions
Would you like to study and live in foreign country? Why? Why not?
(Approximately 120 words)
Writing (2,5 puntos)
Esta pregunta pretende avaliar a capacidade comunicativa do alumnado no ámbito da producción escrita. A nota final (máximo 2,5 puntos) outorgarase segundo a medida na que o alumnado cumpra os seguintes parámetros:
a) Alcance. O alumnado aborda adecuadamente o tema proposto. Sabe comunicar as ideas que quere transmitir utilizando unha considerable variedade de recursos. Sabe utilizar o rexistro lingüístico adecuado á situación. (0,5 puntos)
b) Riqueza e control do vocabulario.(0,4 puntos)
c) Corrección gramatical. O alumnado ten un repertorio básico de elementos lingüísticos e de estratéxias que lle permiten abordar o tema con comodidade.
Non comete erros gramaticais básicos, como, por exemplo, omitir o suxeito diante dun verbo, omitir a “-s” da 3ª persoa do singular do Presente Habitual (he writeS), utilizar adxectivos en plural, usar incorrectamente os adxectivos posesivos e demostrativos, non dominar os tempos verbais e outros erros similares. .(0,4 puntos)
d) Fluidez. O alumnado posúe un dominio dá lingua inglesa adecuado e suficiente para evitar cortes na comunicación ou malentendidos.(0,4 puntos)
e) Cohesión. O alumnado utiliza adecuadamente os conectores e demais medios de cohesión. .(0,4 puntos
f) Coherencia. O alumnado é capaz de organizar as súas ideas para redactar un texto coherente e ben estruturado.(0,4 puntos)
Summarizing a text
Travelling the world
Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words. (Approximately 50 words; 0.75 points).
Summary (0,75 puntos)
Esta pregunta será puntuada segundo os seguintes criterios:
1. O alumno identificou as ideas principais do texto e resumiunas sen incluír información secundaria ou anecdótica.
2. O alumno expresou estas ideas en aproximadamente 50 palabras, sen copiar literalmente do texto, con coherencia, claridade, cohesión, razoable corrección gramatical e léxico axeitado ao tema.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020
A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the beginning of a word. Prefixes change the meanings of words
Prefix |
Meaning |
Example |
Extra- |
Beyond / outside |
Extracurricular |
Inter- |
Between |
Intercontinental |
Multi- |
Many / several |
Multilingual |
Over- |
Too much spend |
Overspend |
Re- |
Do again |
Reclaim |
Under - |
Not enough |
Underestimate |
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020
Second Bach Reporting commands, requests and suggestions.
Reporting verbs:
Are the examples commands, requests or suggestions?
1. He asked me to
go to the beach with him
2. The flight attendant told us to fasten our seat belts.
3. She suggested
going to a museum at the weekend.
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1. “Buy the ticket tomorrow”
Tina told Rob.......................................
2. “Could you pay your bill later today?”
The hotel manager asked us ....................................
3. “Why don’t we go camping next week?”
Amy suggested .........................................
4. “Please, don’t tell my mum that we hitchhiked home”
Mark asked me ......................................
5. “Let’s not stay here again next year!”
Fred suggested ......................................
Match the examples to the verb pattern
1. She apologized
for coming late
2. They agreed to
go to the beach on the train
3. She admitted (that)
they had lost the keys for their hotel room.
4. She advised me
not to take many clothes with me.
Verb + (that) + clause |
Verb + (not) to + infinitive |
Verb + object + (not) to +
infinitive |
Verb + (not) + ing |
Add the verbs in the box to the verb patterns.
insist, invite, offer, recommend, refuse, warn
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use the
reporting verbs.
1. “I’ll go to the beach if that’s what you want” said
Ron. (agreed)
2. “You shouldn’t take too much money” Lee said to Jo. (advised)/ (recommend) (2)
3. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone earlier” said Rachel. (apologized for)
4. “Don’t sunbathe for too long” I told Jim. (warn)
5. “Actually I can’t speak French very well” said Robert. (admitted)
6. “No, I won’t lend you any money” Sue told Lara (refused to)
domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020
What can you use to make a project or presentation?
You can use books, the Internet, and encyclopedias but you have to name your sources correctly.
You can use pictures but they should either be:
- Free ClipArt pictures.
- Fotoakuten:
- Piscs4learning:
- Clker:
- Flickr:
- Fotofinnare:
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020
First Bach. Unit 1 Present Tenses
Present Simple and Present Continuous
Second Bach Travelling - Unit 5 Reported Speech
Grammar Initative
Direct speech |
Reported speech What did Mónica say? |
“ I always
pack toilet paper” |
“ I am
still planning my next trip” |
“ I can’t
stand flying” |
“I read
Patrick Leigh Fermor’s book” |
“ When I
was travelling round India” |
“I was
impossible to buy any” |
“ I have
only been on a plane once” |
“I’ll tell
you when I’ve decided” |
Rewrite the
following sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes.
Direct speech |
Reported speech |
“ Ben is
going to cycle there this afternoon” |
She said
.... |
“We only
went to one museum last year” |
said.... |
never been to this restaurant before” |
James and
Sue said ..... |
“I’ll take
you to the airport tomorrow” |
Sarah told
John ..... |
“ You have
to visit the Museum of Transport before you go” |
Our guide
said .... |
writing postcards for his family” |
Ann told me
..... |
“This time
last year I was relaxing on a beach” |
Tim said
.... |
“I get
really nervous when my dad drives too fast” |
Sally told
me ..... |
Direct speech |
Reported speech What does Mary want to know? |
“Are they
going to Dubrovnik?” |
“Do you go
to Bali every year? “ |
“When will
my passport be ready?” |
“How long
have you lived in Cyprus?” |
“Did you
enjoy your trip to the States?” |
“Can I take
two bags on the plane?” |
What did Mary want to know? ( I don't remember!!!)
More questions:
`Who has been using my typewriter?´.- Said my mother. ___________________________________
`What do you want to see?´.- Said the guide ___________________________________
How much do you think it will cost?´.- He said. ____________________________________ `
How long have you been learning English?´.- The examiner said. ____________________________________ `
What train are you going to get?´.- My friend asked me ____________________________________
`Where are you going for your summer holidays?.- I asked them __________________
`Are there any letters for me?´.- Said Katy ____________________________________
Do you see what I see, Mary?´.- Said the young man. ____________________________________
`Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?´.- Said the secretary _____________________________________
Did you sleep well?´.- She asked me _____________________________________
Do you want to see the cathedral?´.- Said the guide ___________________________________
Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?´.- Said Charles ___________________________________
`Have you been here too long?´.- The other students asked him.