miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


Let's review the Passive

1) the basics. Take your time.

    What's Active ? What's Passive?


2) Why do we use the Passive? 

3)  How do I change active voice into passive voice?

4)  Active verbs change into passive verbs.

5) Verbs with two objects

6) Have /  get  something done

7) Omission of the the Agent

  • It is obvious from the context who or what the agent is
  • It is obvious from our general knowledge who or what the agent is.
  • It is obvious from our general knowledge who or what the agent is
8) More information  in your Student's book pag 138 -139. 

9) Some extra exercises pag.119 Assess yourself

10) Passive voice is mostly used... when we want to focus on the action or on the object of the action. Context is very important.
      a) when we describe a laboratory process as the person or doer is not relevant.
      b) when you describe the preparation of a dish.
      c) in newspaper headlines

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