jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Simple past and past continuous



1.- Look at Jane's diary. What was she doing at these times?

My diary
Monday 4.30 - 5.30 p.m
have an appointment at the dentist's
Tuesday 7 - 8 p.m
play tennis with Mimi
Wednesday 8 - 10 p.m
watch the Black Widows
Thursday 8.30 - 9.30 p.m
revise for an English test
Friday 5 - 7 p.m.
do the shopping with Carrol
Saturday 11.30 - 12.30 a.m
cook lunch
Sunday 9 - 10 a.m.
tidy the house with mum

  1. On Monday at 5 p.m. she ...................................... an appointment at the dentist's.
  2. On Tuesday between 7 - 8 p.m. Jane and Mimi ...................................... tennis.
  3. On Wednesday at 9 o'clock she ...................................... the Black Widows.
  4. On Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30 she ..................................... for an English test.
  5. On Friday at 6 o'clock Jane and Carrol ...................................... the shopping.
  6. On Saturday between 11.30 and 12.30 she ...................................... lunch.
  7. On Sunday at 9.30 Jane and her mum ...................................... the house.
  8. But I don't know what she ...................................... at 12 p.m. on
    Sunday. Was she sleeping?

    2.- Choose the correct tense.
  1. As the stranger came | was coming to the station, a car stopped | was stopping behind him.
  2. My grandma never watched | was never watching TV. But she
  3. read | was reading books.
  4. I started | was starting work at 6 o'clock.
  5. He got up | was getting up and switched off | was switching off
  6. the light.
  7. When I finished | was finishing my homework, I cooked | was cooking dinner.
  8. While we listened | were listening to the news, the telephone rang | was ringing
  1. Kate stood up | was standing up and answered | was answering it.
  2. As I drove | was driving to work last Friday, a car crashed | was crashing in front of me. I stepped | was stepping on the brakes.
  3. Yesterday Carrol wrote | was writing emails from 10 to 11 and then from 5 to 7 again.
  4. We arrived in Cannes at 2.30. The sun shone | was shining , people sunbathed | were sunbathing on the beach and big yachts sailed | were sailing near the harbour. We parked our car and went | were going to the beach.

    3.- C omplete with the correct tense.

A) Complete the story.
Every day James Lullaby travels to London. Yesterday he ........................ (drive) his car, when he .................... (see) a dog in the middle of the road. The dog ............................. (watch) the car. James ................................... (stop) and .................................. (get) out of his car. As he ....................... (get) out, the dog ......................
(run) away. James ......................... (go) back to his car. While he ........................ (get) in it, the dog ................................ (appear) again and ............................... (sit) down in the middle of the road. James ..................... (start) the engine, but the dog ......................... (not move). James ................................... (jump) out of the car and
............................... (shout) at the dog.
The dog ............................ (bark) at him and ..................(start) to run. James .............................(follow)the dog. Suddenly, he ........................ (see) two girls lying on the grass. They ............................ (bleed)

B) Make these sentences negative.
James heard a dog on the road.
No, he didn't hear a dog on the road.
  1. James was riding a motorbike.
  2. James ran over the dog.
  3. James threw a stone at the dog.
  4. The dog was barking at James all the time.
  5. The dog bit James.
  6. The girls were sitting on the grass.

C) Make the policeman's questions.

  1. Policeman: ......................................................................... ?
    (what/do/yesterday at 8 o'clock)
    James: I was driving to work.
  2. Policeman:......................................................................... ?
    (what time/meet/the dog)
    James: I saw him at about 8.30.
  3. Policeman: .....................................................when you saw
    the dog? (drive/fast)
    James: No, I wasn't.
  4. Policeman:......................................................................... ?
    (what/the dog/do)
    James: He ran away.
  5. Policeman: ......................................................................... ?
    (how/find/the two girls)
    James: I followed the dog, when he came back.
  6. Policeman: ......................................................................... ?
    (see/anyone else)
    James: No, I didn't.
  7. Policeman: ......................................................................... ?
    (call/an ambulance)
    James: No, I didn't. I drove the girls to the hospital.

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