miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Modal verbs Review



1: Talking about the present:

must / might / could / may / can't + infinitive

I am waiting for Julie with another friend, David.
I ask: 'Where is Julie?'
David guesses:
  • She must be on the bus. (I'm fairly sure this is a good guess)
  • She might come soon. (maybe)
  • She could be lost. (maybe)
  • She may be in the wrong room. (maybe)
  • She can't be at home. (I'm fairly sure this isn't true)
Rephrasing sentences using Modal Verbs

It’s unlikely that----- can’t / might (not)
It’s certain that ------ must
Perhaps -------------- might / might not
It’s impossible ------ can’t

2: Using modal verbs to talk about the past:

must / might / could / may / can't + have + past participle

You: Where was Julie last night?
  • She must have forgotten about our date.
  • She might have worked late.
  • She could have taken the wrong bus.
  • She may have felt ill.
  • She can't have stayed at home.
Debbie was late last night. ( may / miss the bus)
She may have missed the bus.

Emma got excellent grades at school.
She must have been a good student.

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