jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020


Publicación no DOG do día de hoxe, 26 de febreiro, da Orde do 10 de febreiro de 2020, pola que se convocan axudas para a realización de actividades de formación en linguas estranxeiras no ano 2020, destinadas ao alumnado dos centros docentes sostidos con fondos públicos, en réxime de concorrencia competitiva, xúntase cartel informativo desta convocatoria, coa petición da súa difusión entre o posible alumnado beneficiario destas axudas.

O prazo de presentación de solicitudes comeza o día 27 de febreiro e remata o día 26 de marzo.

A información sobre este programa, así como a aplicación "en liña" que se menciona na convocatoria, atoparase na páxina web http://www.edu.xunta.es/axudasle .

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Future time clauses

My favourite film / end / I / give you/ a call. (after) 
After my favourite film ends / has ended, I will give you a call. 

Modal verbs Review



1: Talking about the present:

must / might / could / may / can't + infinitive

I am waiting for Julie with another friend, David.
I ask: 'Where is Julie?'
David guesses:
  • She must be on the bus. (I'm fairly sure this is a good guess)
  • She might come soon. (maybe)
  • She could be lost. (maybe)
  • She may be in the wrong room. (maybe)
  • She can't be at home. (I'm fairly sure this isn't true)
Rephrasing sentences using Modal Verbs

It’s unlikely that----- can’t / might (not)
It’s certain that ------ must
Perhaps -------------- might / might not
It’s impossible ------ can’t

2: Using modal verbs to talk about the past:

must / might / could / may / can't + have + past participle

You: Where was Julie last night?
  • She must have forgotten about our date.
  • She might have worked late.
  • She could have taken the wrong bus.
  • She may have felt ill.
  • She can't have stayed at home.
Debbie was late last night. ( may / miss the bus)
She may have missed the bus.

Emma got excellent grades at school.
She must have been a good student.

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020

Reviewing conditionals with a bit of LOVE

Valentine´s Day

  1. When is it celebrated and what do people do on this day?
  2. According to legends, who was Valentine? What did he do? Why? What happened? 
  3. Why did they choose the 14th of February ?
  4. When and why did they start to exchange handwritten notes?
  5. In USA, what do they also start doing?
  6. Why is it being critized in recent years? 
  7. Is Valentine's Day celebrated all over the world? 
  8. What is this video about?

Give your opinion about Valentine's Day. 

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Adjectives - Word Order II

Adjectives - Word order

Adjective Order

length + type of hair + colour +noun

                                    long           curly           brown    hair 
                                    short          wavy          blond      hair
                                                big/small   blue/green     eyes



Write a description of a famous musician and his / her band. Write 150-200 words  


Paragraph A 
Introduce the person and describe his / her appearance and character

Paragraph B 
Give information about his / her music and group / band.

Paragraph C 
Include information about interests and achievements.

Paragraph D 
Why do admire him/ her? How has he / she influenced your life?

Some exercises to review  vocabulary. 

He is ....... / He has got ..........