miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

Women who made a difference .



Written or oral review. 

Write a report about the book following the instructions. 

Send an oral review about the book following the instructions.

Activities based on the ones suggested by www.burlingtonbooks.es


Answer the following questions:  
Gertrude Bell

Reading comprehension questions:
  1. What do you know about her early childhood?
  2. What was her father like? Who was Florence Bell?
  3. Did Gertrude go to Oxford University? What happened?
  4. Why is Gertrude famous for? Why did she do that?
  5. How many trips did she make through the deserts? What did she take? Were they easy?
  6. Do a search on the web to find information about Milos (Melos) and write a paragraph about one of the following: 1.the archeological sites on the island & 2.the tourist activities on the island
Possible links

Helen Keller

Reading comprehension questions:
  1. What do you know about her early childhood?
  2. How did Helen’s time at the Perkins School for the Blind help her?
  3. Why do you think it was hard for Helen to fit in at Wright-Humanson School for the Deaf?
  4. What special problems do you think Helen had being blind at school at the school for the deaf?
  5. What do you know about the fund that Helen and Kessler established? (Name, Purpose, Activities, etc.)
  6. Do a search on the web about Iraq and do one of the following:Write a fact file about Iraq. Include population, government, geography, economy, and any other facts you want to add.
    Possible links

Rosa Parks

Reading comprehension questions:
  1. What do you know about her early childhood? (July 1917; school in Montgomery)
  2. Why did the shop assisstant want to sell the girls ice-cream cones instead of fizzy drinks?
  3. Why did Alice White and Margaret Beard attend the churches of the black community?
  4. Why was it important that Alice White encouraged the girls at school to keep their hair natural?
  5. What was the bus boycott ? (Purpose, Activities, Publicity, success etc.)
  6. Despite winning the fight against segregation, how did Rosa and her husband Raymond, suffer because of their activism?
  7. Do a search the web for information about slavery in the United States and write a paragraph about how slavery began in the United States.
Possible links:
1. How did Gertrude Bell succeed in overcoming the restrictions of her era? In which areas of her life did she not succeed?
2. Choose two of the women from the stories and compare and contrast them.
3. Which person in the stories did you find the most interesting?




1. How do people react to those who behave unconventionally?
2. In 19th-century Britain, many people seriously believed that women should stay at home and didn’t need to be educated. Why do you think this was so?
3. Would you enjoy going to a place that is different from where you live? Why / Why not?
4. What would you change in your town to make life easier for people with disabilities?
5. People with disabilities have to work harder to do things that healthy people take for granted. How do you think we should help physically-challenged people?
6. If you think a person is being badly treated because he / she is different, would you say anything?



Here are some points that more advanced students can be asked to consider after reading the book.
1. Many people are interested in reading about people who have lived challenging lives. Why do you think this is so?
2. Gertrude Bell often went against the conventions of her time, but not always. When did she agree to do what other people expected of her?
3. What do you think could be done to encourage interaction between deaf and / or blind people and hearing / sighted people?
4. Why do you think that Helen Keller succeeded in getting funding for education of deaf and blind people from different US presidents?
5. How do you think Rosa Parks felt when she refused to stand up on the bus?
6. Why do you think the NAACP thought Rosa’s arrest was a good opportunity to challenge the segregation on buses?



1. Imagine you are one of Gertrude Bell’s servants. Make a list of all the items that Gertrude needs to take on one of her journeys. Remember she always travelled in style.
2. Imagine you are Gertrude Bell. Write a paragraph in your book describing part of your journey to Hayyil in Arabia. Use your imagination.
3. Imagine you are Annie Sullivan. Write a diary entry for the day you arrived at the Keller household to teach Helen.
4. Design a poster encouraging African-Americans to join the protest against the riots and lynchings of members of the black community in New York City in July 1917.
5. Imagine you are a journalist. Write a newspaper report about Rosa Parks’ trial.
6. Search the Internet for information about another famous person who had to overcome a disability. Write a paragraph about him / her.

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