jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Happy Halloween!

I wish you all a very happy and terrifying Halloween!!!

Those stories were written in groups in class 
Choose one of the following stories and add five sentences more. 

First option

Setting: in a small village of Wisconsin.
Characters: 2 twin-brothers and their parents.
Setting the scene: during the nights of one week; the weather is cold.
Action: the children of the village start to disappear and one of the twins start to do strange things.

One two brothers in a sinister village, one of them disappears in a dark night and the rest of the family tries to find him.
When they go out, all the doors and the window close suddenly and the lights of the city start to turn on and off, a spooky smoke invades the city.
The family doesn’t see anything. In a second all the village is dead.  Actually, the entire village is in a limbo and they have to fight with a mysterious and scary monster called Apechucha, the monster of the Limbo.
The family wins the fight and finds the brother in Apechucha’s stomach. The entire city was saved from the Limbo.
Right then, the brother wakes up and he discovers that the story was just a creepy nightmare.

 Second option

The Momocow

Setting: in a cemetery. At night.
Characters: A Momocow ( a clown) .
Setting the scene: At the Julia

In the night of Halloween, Julia and her friends went to the cemetery to discover the mystery of the Momocow.
Momocow is a legendary mythological cow with a clown face.
They wanted to revive it because the legend says that if you eat the cow you will have powers.  They wanted to try if this story is true. So when they entered the cemetery they looked for the clown’s grave.
After some time, they found the grave. First, they had to perform a ritual, calling the Momocow, and then the Momocow appeared. But the cow was angry and hungry.  So Julia and her friends got scared and started to run away.
The cow ate Nike and Oliver, and transformed them into two more Momocows. Julia escaped and told the story to the police, but they didn’t believe her.
The police investigated for three months, and, finally, concluded that Julie had killed her friends, and that she had invented the story of the legendary beast.
It was something developed by her own imagination.

Third option

Setting: in an airplane
Characters: Passengers, murderer and a pilot.
Setting the scene: nights; the weather is rainy and stormy.
Action: the lights go off and when the lights come back somebody is missing. People start feeling scared and they try to find the murderer.
Climax:  the end when they find the murderer. They are all scared.

One day during the flight number IB3637from Vigo to London, a lot of strange things happened.
It was a stormy day, and the lights started to go on and off, when they got back, someone was murdered. All the people were very frightened about this mysterious situation.
This event went on several times, and passengers got more and more scared. Finally, when the lights went off again and all was dark, nothing was heard. 
All the passengers were murdered except for the pilot who was the murderer.

Fourth option

Setting: The blind man’s house
Characters:  A blind man, some young thieves.
Setting the scene: at night; it is raining.
Action: the thieves want to break into the blind man´s house.
The blind man hears some noises and discovers the thieves.
Climax: When the children die and the blind man defeats them.  Moments of despair.  

The children resuscitate, kill the thieves and find the blind man.
The blind man scared runs around the house and he thinks he can call the police, but the telephone is in the other bedroom. He wants to take the telephone and he is scared because he listens to strange and sinister noises.
The blind man runs, takes the phone and calls the police.
The haunted children threaten the blind man. The police enter the house, and mysteriously, there was nobody inside.

Firth option

Setting: A high school
Characters:  Students of the high school.
Setting the scene: It’s Monday afternoon; it is raining.
Action: the students of the classes disappear and only one stay in the school and he tries to find the other students and find out what has happened.
Climax: the most exciting part of the story is when they discover that the person who is hiding people is the headmaster.  
The characters feel uncomfortable and frustrated because they don’t know what has happened.

One Monday afternoon in a high school, all the students disappeared, the school was deserted, except for the 11th grade students.
Hours later they started feeling worried, and they went to look for the headmaster. When they were in the hall, one of the students disappeared, it was mysterious; they ran to the headmaster’s room. They were scared.
Surprise!!! They found the headmaster eating their classmate. It was sinister and the other guys were almost dead in the mediation room.
When they saw all that, one of the students collapsed.
When he woke up, they all were in the mediation room. Everything was completely normal, they had arrived late to school and it had all been a dream! It was very strange, though.

Sixth option

Setting:  In Luca’s house and in an abandoned theme park.
Characters:  A group of friends.
Setting the scene: at 11 o’clock pm.
Action: they went to the park and they started to disappear.
Climax: the people disappear.  

A group of friends, Luis, Noa, Zerpa are in Luca’s house bored. They didn’t know what to do. Then, one of them had an idea. He said: “Why don’t we go to an abandoned theme park? They went out, everything was dark. They started to walk and Noa saw something in the forest. Zerpa said that they should follow that thing, but they were too scared, so they didn’t go.
They arrived at the theme park and it wasn’t normal, everything was terrifying. They wanted to see the attractions better so they separated. Luis and Noa went to the left and Zeppa and Lucas went to the night.
Suddenly they heard Luis screaming.

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