miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

4th ESO 3rd term activity.

      1. Find a song in English. (you can include the translation if you want)
2.      Write a brief introduction about the author and the singer/ group. ( biography, photo)
3.      What is the song about? (50 words max.)
4.      What do you know about the song?  When was it written?
5.      Analyze the song grammatically. (Verbs, passive, relative, conditionals, questions, modal etc.)
6.      Design an activity for the song ( gap filling, ordering , ...)
7.      Write 5 questions about the song.
8.      Write a different ending for the story/ Rewrite the story/ Change the story.
9.      Does the song include a video clip?  What is it about? Does it help you understand the story? Would you change anything?  What?
10.  Is music important in your life? ( 75-100 words)
                  DEADLINE : BEFORE JUNE 5TH, 2019 


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