domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019


TUESDAYS     12:45 - 14:00 ( Para o exame de Xuño)

Those who failed.
In your class.

WEDNESDAYS     12:45 - 14:00 (Para o exame de Selectividade)

Those who passed,
In your class.

Thank you and good luck

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

4th ESO 3rd term activity.

      1. Find a song in English. (you can include the translation if you want)
2.      Write a brief introduction about the author and the singer/ group. ( biography, photo)
3.      What is the song about? (50 words max.)
4.      What do you know about the song?  When was it written?
5.      Analyze the song grammatically. (Verbs, passive, relative, conditionals, questions, modal etc.)
6.      Design an activity for the song ( gap filling, ordering , ...)
7.      Write 5 questions about the song.
8.      Write a different ending for the story/ Rewrite the story/ Change the story.
9.      Does the song include a video clip?  What is it about? Does it help you understand the story? Would you change anything?  What?
10.  Is music important in your life? ( 75-100 words)
                  DEADLINE : BEFORE JUNE 5TH, 2019 


sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

Robin Schulz - Sun Goes Down

Fill in the gaps with the right relative pronoun.

                                                  As the sun goes down 

Nothings ever what we expect
But they keep asking where I go next
Oh, we're chasing as the sun set
Got my mind on you
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter, no
If there's a moment when it's perfect
We'll carve our names as the sun goes down
As the sun goes down
As the sun goes down
As the sun goes down
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter, no
We were, wash around me now
We were, wash around me now
Nothings ever what we expect
But they keep asking where we go next
Oh, we're chasing as the sun set
Got my mind on you
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter where we are are are are
Doesn't matter, no
If there's a moment when it's perfect
We'll carve our names as the sun goes down
As the sun goes down
We were, wash around me now
We were, wash around me now
As the sun goes down
By : Robin Schulz / Thomas Richard Havelock

STEMweek para alumnado de 3º e 4º

Achégovos a información da convocatoria da STEMweek para alumnado de 3º e 4º de boas notas que poida estar interesado:

A Consellería de Educación convoca 200 prazas para alumnado de 3º e 4º de ESO na STEMweek

Trátase dunha actividade formativa que estimula, á vez, a adquisición das competencias científico-tecnolóxicas e en lingua inglesa
As estadías desenvolveranse no Centro Residencial Docente da Coruña nos meses de agosto e setembro

Information about the STEMweek call for students of 3rd and 4th students with good grades that may be interested in:
The Department of Education summons 200 places for students of 3º and 4º of ESO in the STEMweek
This is a training activity that stimulates, at the same time, the acquisition of scientific and technological competences in English.
The stays will take place in the Residential Teaching Center of A Coruña in August and September

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Advantages and disavantages essays.

Some tips ...

  • Restate / rephrase  the topic. 
  • "This essay/ composition/ writing will examine the advantages and disadvantages of ...."
  • "The (two) main advantages of....."
  • "Firstly,....."" Secondly,.............."
  • "However,.............................also has some major disadvantages like ....."
  • "To conclude, although.................."
  • "I believe that/ I think that.../ In my opinion....."


Have a look:

What is this clip about? 
( Use at least 3 relative clause to explain it) 
1.- Listen  carefully  2.- Find the KEY words   3.- Write the ideas in your OWN words. 

Send it to me or hand it in on Monday 6th. 

Give it some thought!

Schools in Finland - second bach

Tasks: Complete the worksheet  on your own and write the composition.

Education in Finland has better results for several reasons. Firstly, education is free and, therefore, accessible to all. Neither pay for books or school supplies. Also, education is personalized. They support students with special needs and school failure rates are minimized. 
          The learning rhythm of each child is respected and the standardized test and activities are avoided. In addition, the students have time for everything. Education is taken seriously but also importance is given to play and rest. Competition is avoided and curiosity and participation are rewarded.
           Our educational system promotes competitiveness and promotes student failure. They should encourage more creativity and the ability to undertake and experiment, since, people don’t have the same intelligence and we aren’t good at the same things.On the contrary, in Finland, they teach fewer class hours, have less homework and exams, which helps them feel freer and more active. Ours is the result of boredom, stress, anxiety and disinterest.
           In conclusion, to improve the Spanish School System, we should take example of the Finland educational system and learn from them. Change some things and improve.