miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

4TH ESO. The senses. Relative Clauses

Part of the body


The text is about the importance of the senses with regard to food.
Shona Jason Miller says that now people buy food for their visual appearance because when we go shopping we look at the colour, the light and the images.
In summary, we have to open our mind and take our time to savor food with all the senses.


This text is about the importance of senses in food, its important to the consumers.
In many food markets the customer can try the food before buying it, same food and sounds are important to taste.
Dr. Carl Philpott says that touching food and enjoying its texture is the key.
Shona Jason Miller says that we must use the five senses to eat.

                                                             BY  CAROLINA 

This text is about eating using all five of our senses. It explains that the visual apperance of food is very important to the consumers because we are bombarded with colour, light and images while we are shopping. The other senses are hard to use when we are shopping but they are very important too. The text also explains that 80% of our appreciation of flavour comes from smell, but if you can't smell, touching food is the key.
Finally, it advices to take it easy and take our time to eat and use all five of our senses.

                                                           BY ARLET 
 This text is about how we should feed ourselves, how se choose our food, since we almost always do it because of its appearance, its smell and its texture. And we are influenced by the ads that make ya buy that product that maybe is not so good.
As Shana Jason Miller tells us, you have to enjoy and buy food with all five senses, not just with your eyes.
                                                      BY ADRIÁN

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