miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

If I were a boy

                            Fill in the gaps with the missing words. 

If I were a dog

If I were a dog even just for a day
I'd do many crazy things
And would learn to value things
I´d have the courage I never had
And I eat the world
Because I am the best
If I were a dog
I think I could understand
I swear I'd be faithful
I'd never fail you
Because   you always treated me well
If I were a dog 
I would be grateful to be your pet
I'd protect you
And I would give my life for you
Because I know that you are the best

If I were a girl

If I were a girl even just for a day
I'd get up late  
And I would go for a drink with my friends
I´d go out partying
And get drunk
Because that would be my decision
If I were a girl
I think I could dance very well
I swear I'd dress as I would like
I'd play football
Because   it’s not just a sport for men
If I were a girl
I would be a fan of “Celta de Vigo”
I'd have sex every time I went out partying
And I wouldn’t mind what people think
Because I know  that with my body I do what I want

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