miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018



  1. Choose your group members-
    1. Fourth ESO A – 30 students In groups of 3 ( 10 groups) 
    2. Fourth ESO B – 27 students  In groups of 3 (9 groups) 
    3. Fourth ESO C – 20 students  6 groups of 3 and 1 of 2  (7 groups) 
  2. What can you do? CHOOSE ONE
    ·         A group oral presentation for the class.
    o   In class or film
    ·         A PowerPoint presentation about bullying/ cyberbullying, with an oral explanation.
    ·         A poster about bullying / cyberbullying.
    ·         A video about bullying. / cyberbullying
    ·         A report on Bullying/ cyberbullying  at school personal experiences
    ·         A report on How can you identify a bully?  How can you identify a victim?
    ·         A questionnaire about bullying / / cyberbullying. ( write 10 questions and we will ask everybody at school about this topic- then you have to prepare an oral report on the answers)
    ·         An interview with a victim.  An interview with a bully/ cyberbully
    ·         A bullying story. (invent a short film about bullying)
  3. Requirements
    ·         Title for your project / work
    ·         Include names of the group members.
    ·         Research about the topic.
    ·         Introduction – body – conclusion
    ·         Planned and structured. Organized
    ·         Correct format, vocabulary, grammar structure.
    ·         Spelling (if it includes written parts ) /
    ·         Pronunciation.
    ·         Use of visual aids: relevancy.
    ·         Clear voice, seriousness and commitment.
    ·         Due date.
    ·         A group rubric: Team participation self - assessment 
   You can use your own mobile phone or camera to make the video. 
   You can send it by email or hand it in in a USB. 
   You may use any kind of material. 

   Be creative and original. Try to do your best. 


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