lunes, 11 de junio de 2018




1.       The journalist said that a man had thrown a bomb at the Prime Minister the day before.
2.       Sara told me / Sara said to me that she wouldn’t pass her exam the following day.
3.       I said that he hadn’t got much sense of humour.
4.       I said that I had gone to New York the summer before.
5.       I said that I was looking for a better job.
6.       She said that her sister didn’t live in England.
7.       She replied that she would come with me the next day.
8.       They said that they had a lift but very often it didn’t work.
9.       I said that I didn’t like classical music
10.   He said he would phone me later.
11.   He told Helen / he said to Helen that he would see her the following morning.
12.   Oscar Wilde said that he could resist everything except temptation.


1.       I asked the clerk if I could pay by cheque
2.       Peter asked the collector when the last train left.
3.       The teacher asked him how many books he wanted
4.       My girlfriend asked me if they liked her.
5.       She asked me where I worked.
6.       She asked me if I was on holiday in England.
7.       She asked me when I had arrived there.
8.       She asked me if I liked English food.
9.       She asked me if I would have time to play regularly.
10.   She asked me how long I had lived in London.
11.   She asked me if I had a good journey
12.   She asked me if that car belonged to me.
13.   She asked me who I had gone to the cinema with.
14.   She asked me If I was doing something this weekend.
15.   My parents asked me what time I had got home the night before.
16.   Helen asked me if I had seen the film the previous day.

Commands and requests
1.       She told Peter to close the door.
2.       She  offered John a coke.
3.       He told me to show the doctor that knee.
4.       She offered to post that letter for me.
5.       She told me not to switch off the TV.
6.       The doctor advised me to take more exercise.
7.       She asked us to fill up that form.
8.       She promised not to drive too fast.
9.       The policeman ordered them to stop their car immediately.
10.   She suggested not going with this bad-looking boy from England
11.   She told Sue not to forget to post her letter.
12.   She told Peter not to open that letter it was not his.

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