sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017


Emilia Pardo Bazán was born on September 16th (1851) – 12 May 1921), She was the countess of Pardo Bazán, She was a Spanish novelist, journalist, literary critic, poet, playwright, translator, editor and professor.

She introduced naturalism to Spanish literature because she included detailed descriptions of reality in her works. Her ideas about women’s rights for education made her a prominent feminist figure. She had a great intellectual curiosity; she travelled extensively around Europe and so opened her mind to new ideas, other cultures and languages.
She was the first woman to receive a chair at a Spanish university (Contemporary Literature and Romance Languages at the Universidad Central in Madrid in 1916).
And, although many claimed her right to it, she wasn´t admitted as the first female member of the Real Academia Española. 
She was a very prolific writer and her most famous novel is The House of Ulloa (Los Pazos de Ulloa)

Pardo Bazán died in Madrid in 1921. Her house is A Coruña is now a museum that preserves her heritage.

Adapted from 

                                 Emilia Pardo Bazán portrayed by Joaquín Sorolla

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