martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

A biography

He was born in 1954 and he wrote his first story when he was six. He started teaching in 1979 and three years later, he wrote his first full-length book; after that,he gave up teaching.
He didn’t go back to _teaching and since then he has been writing full-time.
Six years after giving up teaching, he moved to the UK.

He stayed there for five years, between 1995 and 2000. His greatest achievement was when he won a prize in 2002. He died in 2005 in London and he is buried there too. 

Some ways of connecting ideas:

while - after that - at the age of - until - since - years after - between – for

Now do the same with some real biographies: 
Christopher Marlowe 
Sir Walter Raleigh 
and Richard Burbage 

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