martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

A biography

He was born in 1954 and he wrote his first story when he was six. He started teaching in 1979 and three years later, he wrote his first full-length book; after that,he gave up teaching.
He didn’t go back to _teaching and since then he has been writing full-time.
Six years after giving up teaching, he moved to the UK.

He stayed there for five years, between 1995 and 2000. His greatest achievement was when he won a prize in 2002. He died in 2005 in London and he is buried there too. 

Some ways of connecting ideas:

while - after that - at the age of - until - since - years after - between – for

Now do the same with some real biographies: 
Christopher Marlowe 
Sir Walter Raleigh 
and Richard Burbage 

Some Irregular Verbs

Infinitive           past                   traducción
Drink                 drank                      beber
Begin                 began                     comenzar
Bring                  brought                    traer
Become              became                  llegar a ser
Come                 came                         venir
Feel                   felt                          sentir
Hear                   heard                        oir
Hurt                   hurt                          doler
Give                    gave                          dar
Do                      did                             hacer
Cut                     cut                             cortar
Eat                     ate                            comer
Break                  broke                        romper
Go                      went                         ir
Buy                     bought                      comprar
Find                    found                        encontrar
Drive                  drove                        conducir
Have                   had                            tener
Get                     got                          obtener
Write                  wrote                       escribir

Meet                  met                           conocer