domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

THIRD ESA Simple Present Exercise Key

Exercise key
Use the present simple affirmative:
1.       Go
2.       Use
3.       Study
4.       Finishes
5.       Live
7.       Does
8.       Play
9.       Watch
10.   Teaches
Write the sentences in negative
1.       Don’t study
2.       Doesn’t finish
3.       Don’t copy
4.       Don’t think
5.       Don’t play
6.       Don’t watch
7.       Doesn’t speak
8.       Doesn’t like
9.       Don’t listen
10.   Don’t play
Write the sentences and finish the short answers.
1.       Do you live at school? No, I don’t
2.       Do students eat in the canteen? Yes, they do.
3.       Does your brother go to school on Saturday? No, he doesn’t.
4.       Does school finish at three o’clock?  No , it doesn’t.
Present simple
1.       Play
2.       Starts
3.       Have
4.       Watch
5.       Doesn’t get up
6.       Go
7.       Do ____get
8.       Does ____do
9.       Plays
10.   Goes
11.   Starts
12.   Do ___they
13.   Do ____spell
14.   Gets up
15.   Do ___go
16.   Does not know
17.   Does not  like
18.   Does not live
19.   Walks
21.   have
22.   studies
23.   go
24.   does _____start

25.   does not work

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