sábado, 3 de enero de 2015


I have found these worksheets to review and improve the SIMPLE PAST 
Try to do as much as you can!  Hand them in after Christmas.


Dead in the Morning by Jane Homeshaw 

Script taken from

Extensive reading

Try to read this story without trying to translate every single word

Underline the key words to help you understand the general meaning of the story.

Write a list of those key words and translate them.

  1. Write a short summary of the story.
  2. Describe the characters.
  3. Choose another murderer and change the end of the story explaining why he / she murdered Clairrie Middlemarch.

Personal Opinion

  1. Did you like the story?
  2. Was the vocabulary difficult?
  3. Did you understand the plot?
  4. Did you use a dictionary?
  5. Did you use an online translator?
  6. Did you learn any new words?
  7. Do you want to read more stories in English?
Have fun reading!

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