sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

The Lemon Tree

Listen to the song and complete the following activity 

  1. I____________ ______________here in the boring room.
  2. I____________ ______________my time. I've nothing to do.
  3. I____________ ______________around.
  4. I____________ ______________for you.
  5. I____________ ______________ around in my car. 
  6. I____________ ______________too fast, I____________ ______________too far.
  7. I____________ ______________my head, up and down.
  8. I____________ ______________ around.
  9. I____________ ______________here. I miss the power.
  10. I____________ ______________ around in the desert joy. 

What is he doing?

3rd ESA Present Continuous

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015


You should also have a look at the following PowerPoint Presentation on Comparatives and Superlatives.



And now try to do the exercises in your book and compare the members of this family.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

2 nd ESA Rewiewing the verb TO BE

Try to do this test




Read the story;

Try to read this story without trying to translate every single Word.

Underline the key words to help you understand the general meaning of the story.

Write a list of those key words and translate them.


Listen to the THE UMBRELLA MAN and other stories.

Watch an animation film about THE UMBRELLA MAN

and a short film


Imagine you meet the Umbrella Man and he tricks you too. Write a short report for the Police: describe the man, write about what happened and what you were doing. 

Personal Opinion

  1. Did you like the story?
  2. Was the vocabulary difficult?
  3. Did you understand the plot?
  4. Did you use a dictionary?
  5. Did you use an online translator?
  6. Did you learn new words?
  7. Do you want to read more stories in English? 

If you want to read more stories you can find them here:

Five short stories by ROALD DAHL


3rd ESAThe Umbrella by Clare Harris

Choose the option that suits you best: 
This first option is only text but if you clik on a word that you don't know, the system translates it. 

http://lingualeo.com/es/jungle/the-umbrella-clare-harris-238524#/page/1 and http://lingualeo.com/es/jungle/the-umbrella-clare-harris-238524#/page/2

If you want to read the original book here you have two options: a pdf copy.


If you want to read and listen to the story here you have a Youtube video. Although the vocabulary is translated into Russian, it includes phonetic transcription that will help you with the pronuntiation.

When you finish with the reading, please try to complete the activities suggested. 


Learning to Read

3rd ESA and 4th ESA 

You are going to read a story in English. Reading means getting information from a written text. You must learn how to read a text in English.
Here you can find some tips! 

Don't try to understand every single word. 
Don't try to translate the text, only those really relevant words. 
Make notes about what you read (short summaries)
Underline relevant information. 
Write down the names of the characters and their characteristics. 
Organize all the information you have
Try to do the activities 

I hope you like the stories I have selected!

3rd ESA The Umbrella by Claire Harris 

4th ESA The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

THIRD ESA Simple Present Exercise Key

Exercise key
Use the present simple affirmative:
1.       Go
2.       Use
3.       Study
4.       Finishes
5.       Live
7.       Does
8.       Play
9.       Watch
10.   Teaches
Write the sentences in negative
1.       Don’t study
2.       Doesn’t finish
3.       Don’t copy
4.       Don’t think
5.       Don’t play
6.       Don’t watch
7.       Doesn’t speak
8.       Doesn’t like
9.       Don’t listen
10.   Don’t play
Write the sentences and finish the short answers.
1.       Do you live at school? No, I don’t
2.       Do students eat in the canteen? Yes, they do.
3.       Does your brother go to school on Saturday? No, he doesn’t.
4.       Does school finish at three o’clock?  No , it doesn’t.
Present simple
1.       Play
2.       Starts
3.       Have
4.       Watch
5.       Doesn’t get up
6.       Go
7.       Do ____get
8.       Does ____do
9.       Plays
10.   Goes
11.   Starts
12.   Do ___they
13.   Do ____spell
14.   Gets up
15.   Do ___go
16.   Does not know
17.   Does not  like
18.   Does not live
19.   Walks
21.   have
22.   studies
23.   go
24.   does _____start

25.   does not work


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Coming soon!!! Let's go to the cinema!

Domingo Villar's novel has been adapted into a film! 
Let's go to the cinema!

European day of languages

The European Day of Languages is 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages (2001), which had been jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.

The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are to:

The council of Europe invites you to celebrate it with a wide range of activities (activities for and with children, television and radio programmes, language classes and conferences) gathered together in the following link. 
Have a look and choose an activity that you like. 
Enjoy yourselves! 

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

4th year: Who is this woman?

Is she a painter, an actress or a writer?
Is she alive or is she dead?
Has she got any brothers or sisters?
Is she married?
Has she got any children?

Read the following PowerPoint and try to answer the questions.

With the information you have now write five more questions about this person.

Now watch the trailer of one of Agatha Christie’s most famous novels and answer some questions: 

a)     What is the name of the film?
b)     Where does the murder happen?
c)      How many suspects are there?
d)     Who is Poirot?
e)     Where is he from?

f)       Where does the train go to?

Now you should watch the full film  !!


Welcome everybody to this blog in which you will find information about your English classes, some extra grammar explanations, some extra exercises and some works done by you or your colleagues.

Remember you can find the class materials in:
We have made a selection of this material to use it in class, but you can find lots more on those pages!

We will do some oral work, some written work, some reading and some listening too. English is very important for your future. So try to make the most of these classes!!
Welcome and good luck !

sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

National Day of the Spanish sign language

Last  April 15, the Spanish Council of Ministers agreed to observe the 14th
June as National Day of the Spanish sign language.

For the organizations that represent people with hearing disabilities,
it will be a day of celebration, and also a way  to show the usefulness and
great value that sign language has. 

As you know Spanish Sign Language is  one of the several languages that are used in our school because  there are some students with hearing disabilities that attend to our classes. We also have a sign language interpreter, Irene, who helps us communticate. 
It would be good idea if you try to learn some expressions in sign language and use them, specially this week, but also whenever you meet them. 

Have a look  https://equitacioncomoterapia.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/diccionario-de-lengua-de-signos-espac3b1ola.pdf

I  wish you all a nice day. 

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

4th ESA Portfolio Assessment


What can you do?
I can
With a lot of help
With some help
On my own
Very easily
Describe a person physical appearance.

Describe a person psychological appearance.

Describe what a person is wearing

See the difference between NOW and THEN

Say what a person likes

Say what a person doesn’t like

Write a text about myself

Write a text about other people.

What have you improved with this activity ?
What do you need to improve more?
Value the activity
Personal Opinion


4th ESA. Exam

When?  Monday 8th


    • Vocabulary 
    • Grammar 
  • Differences between Simple Present and Present Continuous.
  • Adverbs: past, present & future
  • Simple Past: to be, there was/ there were, regular past verbs, irregular past verbs. 
  • Comparative and superlative 
  • Future: going to / will
    • Reading 
    • Listening 
    • Writing 
Good luck! 

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

3rd ESA: Sempre Xonxa

Sempre Xonxa 

Answer the following questions
1.   When was the film released?
2.   How long is the film?
3.   Is it a comedy?
4.   Who was the director?
5.   Who was the writer of the screenplay?
6.   What is the name of the female main character?
7.   What are the names of the male main characters?
8.   Do you know anybody more from the cast?
9.   Where does the story take place?
10.               In what language do the protagonists talk? (original)

Storyline    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098329/

The love history between two galician children is broken by the forced migration of galician people to America. When many years after he comes back a rich man, Xonxa is a married woman. Written by Davide <odavide@geocities.com>
Add some more information about the film.

Uxía Blanco 

Find some information about her biography and filmography. What is her role in Sempre Xonxa?
User Reviews

Still the best film of Galician movie history
29 February 2000 | by Karahde Khan (Pofesional Ville) – See all my reviews
This movie is great. It's a very special flick: a drama about Galician migration to America in the 1940s, a touching and sometimes violent love triangle story, but with parts that are either very funny or delightfully magic, almost like a Galician version of the Magic Realism of Latin American literature, with a character, Caladiño, who's a sort of Doc Brown who doesn't get old (he LOOKS old, but doesn't change his look at all in about 40 years of story) and is obsessed with flying, popping up here and there through the sad plot of the film. If we think well about it, this film has almost an Emir Kusturica-like surreal flavour (while not as clear as in Kusturica).

Another great thing of the movie is its setting in a Galician village, which creates a unique atmosphere (helped by beautiful cinematography and music). The acting is pretty good, and an important part of the cast were stage players.

7 of 7 people found this review helpful.  Was this review helpful to you? Yes No

Write another film review about a film you liked. Add some information about the main character/s.

3rd / 4th ESA. Sempre Xonxa

Merece a pena ver unha boa película.!

This film is worth watching!

I recommend you this film!

Uxia Blanco by 3rd ESA students

Uxia Blanco was born in Touro. She was born in 1952.
She’s 63 years old. She’s a Galician actress and she studied Geography and History. She’s a teacher at our school.

She was the protagonist of Sempre Xonxa. She acted in many movies, and now she works for the Galician TV.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015


Chano Piñeiro
His real name was Luciano Manuel Piñeiro Martinez. He was born in Forcarey, 
He was born in 1954 and he lived in Forcarey for 10 years. He attended 
primary school there. Then he moved to Marin and later to Santiago de 
Compostela. He studied Pharmacy there and he met his wife there, too. She gave him his first camera Super 8. And he started to film scenes from popular festivals in the area. He became a film director. 
In 1984 he recorded his first 35mm short, Mamasunción, the portrait of an old woman patiently waiting for the letter from her son. With this film he won numerous awards in Australia, Canada, Sweden and Germany as well as in 
In 1989, he made his first long film, Sempre Xonxa, the first film production filmed entirely in Galician and shot entirely in Galicia.
He died in Vigo when he was 40 years old , he suffered from Crohn's disease, which undermined his health and his gaunt appearance. He died in 1995. 
He became a pioneer as well as a symbol of the new generation of Galician 
film industry.