martes, 5 de octubre de 2021

How to write a summary in English

Remember to summarize the text you have read. Use the following tips: 

  • Shorten the text in such a way that all facts are in the summary. 
  • Leave out examples, evaluations and interpretations. 
  • Skim the text. You should know what is the main content of it. 
  • Read the headline carefully. 
  • Read the text again to understand more details. You must have understood the whole text.
  • Make notes (use keywords). 
  • Underline important words in the text. 
  • Form sentences with the help of your keywords. These sentences should reflect the main content of the text. 
  • Connect the sentences using suitable conjunctions. The first sentence should describe the main content of the text. 
  • Use Simple Present or Simple Past. Write sentences in Reported speech. 
  • Sometimes you have to change the persons. 
  • Check your summary. 
  • Watch out for spelling mistakes. 

Ciuga ABAU EXAM - 

 1.1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words. (approximately 50 words;0.75 points) 

Esta pregunta pretende comprobar a comprensión xeral do texto por parte do alumnado, así como a súa capacidade para resumir as ideas principais, sen entrar en detalles nin anécdotas particulares. Polo tanto, pídeselle que resuma o que leu en aproximadamente 50 palabras que non han de ser extraídas literalmente do texto, senón froito dá súa propia expresión. Estapregunta será puntuada segundo os seguintes criterios:

  • O alumno identificou as ideas principais do texto e resumiunas sen incluír información secundaria ou anecdótica.
  • O alumno expresou estas ideas en aproximadamente 50 palabras, sen copiar literalmente do texto, con coherencia, claridade, cohesión, razoable corrección gramatical e léxico axeitado ao tema. 



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