sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

The Lemon Tree

Listen to the song and complete the following activity 

  1. I____________ ______________here in the boring room.
  2. I____________ ______________my time. I've nothing to do.
  3. I____________ ______________around.
  4. I____________ ______________for you.
  5. I____________ ______________ around in my car. 
  6. I____________ ______________too fast, I____________ ______________too far.
  7. I____________ ______________my head, up and down.
  8. I____________ ______________ around.
  9. I____________ ______________here. I miss the power.
  10. I____________ ______________ around in the desert joy. 

What is he doing?

3rd ESA Present Continuous

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015


You should also have a look at the following PowerPoint Presentation on Comparatives and Superlatives.



And now try to do the exercises in your book and compare the members of this family.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

2 nd ESA Rewiewing the verb TO BE

Try to do this test




Read the story;

Try to read this story without trying to translate every single Word.

Underline the key words to help you understand the general meaning of the story.

Write a list of those key words and translate them.


Listen to the THE UMBRELLA MAN and other stories.

Watch an animation film about THE UMBRELLA MAN

and a short film


Imagine you meet the Umbrella Man and he tricks you too. Write a short report for the Police: describe the man, write about what happened and what you were doing. 

Personal Opinion

  1. Did you like the story?
  2. Was the vocabulary difficult?
  3. Did you understand the plot?
  4. Did you use a dictionary?
  5. Did you use an online translator?
  6. Did you learn new words?
  7. Do you want to read more stories in English? 

If you want to read more stories you can find them here:

Five short stories by ROALD DAHL


3rd ESAThe Umbrella by Clare Harris

Choose the option that suits you best: 
This first option is only text but if you clik on a word that you don't know, the system translates it. 

http://lingualeo.com/es/jungle/the-umbrella-clare-harris-238524#/page/1 and http://lingualeo.com/es/jungle/the-umbrella-clare-harris-238524#/page/2

If you want to read the original book here you have two options: a pdf copy.


If you want to read and listen to the story here you have a Youtube video. Although the vocabulary is translated into Russian, it includes phonetic transcription that will help you with the pronuntiation.

When you finish with the reading, please try to complete the activities suggested. 


Learning to Read

3rd ESA and 4th ESA 

You are going to read a story in English. Reading means getting information from a written text. You must learn how to read a text in English.
Here you can find some tips! 

Don't try to understand every single word. 
Don't try to translate the text, only those really relevant words. 
Make notes about what you read (short summaries)
Underline relevant information. 
Write down the names of the characters and their characteristics. 
Organize all the information you have
Try to do the activities 

I hope you like the stories I have selected!

3rd ESA The Umbrella by Claire Harris 

4th ESA The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl