miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014


 The Beatles !!!
You have worked really hard, you deserve a rest!!
Why don't you listen and try to sing along?

Have a good time!

2nd ESA

Hello everybody,
I hope these help you to improve your English !!!!!
Reviewing numbers

Ordinal numbers

Verb TO BE

There is / there are

Countable / Uncountable nouns
Plural of countable nouns

Personal Pronouns

See you soon!

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


Read the reflection about LISTENING in your LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO and answer the following questions about the HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN VIDEO. 

Answer the following questions about HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN.
1.       When most people think about Halloween, what do they think about?
a.       )
b.      )
c.       )
d.      )
2.       How long ago does it all go back?
3.       What is the name of the Ancient Celtic Festival?
4.       When is it celebrated?
5.       What did people believe?
6.       What did people leave on their door step?
7.       Who turns Samhain into All Saints Day?
8.       What is “souling”?
a.       Singing for prayers
b.      Exchanging souls and prayers
c.       Baking cakes in exchange for prayers
9.       What is “guising”?
a.       Dress up in costumes
b.      Cooking
c.       Terrifying people
10.   Where did these traditions originate?
11.   What did people do in exchange for food, wine and money?
a.       )
b.      )
c.       )
12.   Who started trick-or-treating?
13.   Today Halloween is Big Business. How much do American people spent on costumes and on candy?
14.   Which holiday is more commercial Halloween or Christmas? 


domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

ESA 3rd The Legend of Stingy Jack

Here you can read again the story of Stingy Jack and answer the questions:

Some vocabulary:

  • to play tricks on other people 
  • public house
  • devil, soul, heaven
  • to trap somebody
  • promise, agree 
  • turnip, pumpkin 

 Four questions:

  1. Why did Jack want to trick the devil?
  2. How many times does he trick the devil?
  3.  How does he trick the devil? 
  4. Where is Jack now? 
 Hope you enjoy it!