sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Final activity

This is an example of final project. When we finish the lesson about the future we will try to put this project in practice.
I hope you like it!

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Doménikos Theotokópoulos, the Greek

Every Tuesday I go to Dutch lesson, but yesterday I did not go to my class because I went to a conference at my school.

The conference was about Domenicos Theotokópoulos , the Greek. He was born in Crete in 154 and when he was 27, he moved to Venice. Crete was his first training in the painting of Icons - painting on a wooden panel and an image of Christ, the Mother of God, saints or feasts - and in the Byzantine tradition.

When he went to Venice, he learned by Tiziano about Renaissance art. Then also he also lived in Rome. In 1577 he moved to Toledo in Spain. He worked there for the upper classes, but not for the King Felipe II (only but a few paintings that the king didn’t like) He was an innovative and learned man. He read books in Latin, classic Greek, Italian and Spanish. He was a painter, sculptor and an architect. He was not married, but a he had a son.

He was very popular in his time, but after his death, he was no longer important. At the end of the 19th century, El Greco was rediscovered again. And he is very valued for his treatment of light and colour of his designs, his expressiveness and the composition of his figures. He inspired artists like Picasso and many others.
 This year 2014 is the 400th anniversary of his death. Toledo, the city where he lived and where he died, is celebrating this anniversary with a great number of exhibitions and several cultural events.

 In class, I gave you a working sheet with 10 questions about this lecture. With this brief summary of the lecture I think you will be able to answer all the questions.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014


Pronouns pag 38-39 + extra exercises - song: let her go by Passenger - the story of cupid Arthur and Clementine - vocabulary Doctor Jeckyll and Mr Hyde - vocabulary Simple Present verb TO BE, Verb HAVE GOT, there is / there are Other verbs: Vocabulary: In the House; Book pag 7; Vocabulary: prepositions. EXAM THURSDAY 8TH APRIL, VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR, READING, LISTENING AND WRITING

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014


Last Thursday we worked with there is / there are and place prepositions. Do you remember?
We also worked reviewed vocabulary with "IN THE HOUSE" worksheet and we did some reading and listening. If you want to do them again or check your corrections, you can find the key here. And the activities..