domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014


Wordle: Arturo y Clementina

World Poetry Day 21st march

"Poetry is one of the purest expressions of linguistic freedom. It is a component of the identity of peoples and it embodies the creative energy of culture, for it can be continuously renewed“. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO Message for the World Poetry Day. World Poetry Day is an invitation to reflect on the power of language and the full development of each person’s creative abilities. According to the UNESCO’s decision, the main objective of this action is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities Have a look at the wall presentation at entrance of the school "La poesía que nos une" and read or listen to some poems. Did you know that songs can also be poems?

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014


Arthur and Clementine is a "love" story between two turtles. They fall in love instantly but with time they find out that their ways of seeing life are quite different. Read the story once more and check your answers to the questions. Write a composition giving your opinion about your opinion about Arthur's behaviour- remember you can write it in English, Spanish or Gallego.

 Are you Clementine?                                                                           Are you Arthur?

To finish this task you should answer your Portfolio Self-Evaluation Sheet. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK!

Let's go to the Theatre!

Next Wednesday we are going to the theatre!! The company RECURSOS. HAZ TEATRING is performing Doctor Jeckyll and Mr Hyde. Adapted by Robert Louis Stevenson. This is a short biography of the autor. Biografies are usually written in the past, but this one is adapted for you in simple present. I hope you like it! Listen  and watch the following adaptation of Doctor Jecky and Mr Hyde. Then watch it again and answer the questions.
Remember don't try to understand every single word, just get the general idea and don't panic!!



This is an activity for Third Year ESA and we are going to put it in practice throughout the following months. It was designed for the course “ Deseño de actividades TIC para o ensino das linguas extranxeiras” and I hope you like it.
NOW it's your turn!

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

What's the date today?

Today is Saturday 8th of March 2014 and it is The International Women’s Day.
It was originally called the International Working Women’s Day.
Its strategy is to promote equal rights between women and men.
The United Nations theme for this year 2014 is “Equality for Women is Progress for All”
This day is an official holiday in many countries and in others it is widely celebrated. Many events are held by women’s groups around the world: fundraising, parties, demonstrations, marches.
They want to show respect, appreciation and love towards women and also to defend women’s economic, political and social achievements.

Some people wear purple ribbons today.
There is still lots to do, but in my opinion RESPECT and EDUCATION are the words! 

Have a nice day!

Welcome to this blog

Welcome to this blog which is going to be a way to help you with your English. 
First, I am going to publish some of the things we do in class: a bit of grammar, exercises, listening and so on.
I will also publish some of you works so that you can learn from others.

I hope you will enjoy it and collaborate with me! 
Remember little by little but always forwards! 
Hope you enjoy it and learn a lot!
